Mackin' the Mouse™
Mackin' the Mouse™
Team #EatYourMilk!™
Serious, confident, smart & fun!
Loves to wear favorite Mighty Moo Cows uniform all the time.
Loves double cheese pizzas.
Friends call him "Mackin' Cheese"
Mackin’ & Milken’ best friends forever (BFF)
Twinsies with same suspenders
Favorite flavors of cheese:
1. American cheese
2. Mozzarella cheese
3. Cheese ice cream
4. Cream cheese
Always says, "EAT your milk!™"

We had a great time coming with the "The Mackin' say" song.
Who would ever say, "Eat your milk!.
We did. We asked our friends and family if they would rather "drink" their milk, or "eat" their milk.
We were shocked that 80% of the people we talked to exclaimed #EatYourMilk
They said that they love cheese, pizza, yogurt, & ice cream, and more.
As a member of The Milk Hall of Fame you can chose, #EatYourMilk, #DrinkYourMilk or #ILoveBoth
With every sketch, we knew that Mentol, our illustrator from Indonesia would get it perfect.
She knows how to illustrate in Photoshop, but LOVES to use pencil and watercolor.
It is big news when one of Mentol's time lapse videos come in.
Mackin' the Mouse is easily one of our favorite Mighty Moo Cows! characters.
Download all of our original artwork HERE. For personal use only. Not to be sold or resold.