Lovey the Cow™
Lovey the Cow™
Team #DrinkYourMilk™
Loves ALL the flavors of milk!
Great singer and artist
Gentle loving voice
Calls the others, "My lovey ones"
Loves to wear favorite Mighty Moo Cows™ cape
Friends call her "Lovey Cow"
Favorite flavors of milk:
1. Oat milk
2. Apple cinnamon flavored
3. Chocolate flavored
4. Strawberry
Always says "Love My Milk!"™

This is the sketch that our illustrator sent us for review. Her name is Mentol and she lives in Malang City, Indonesia.
Check out Mentol's wonderful art HERE
We communicate with her via Skype and Zoom.
People ask all the time how we send her our notes. It is simple.
We share a Google Docs word or presentation file. She and we make updates in realtime and we can be on the video call.
Note: on a book project with our Mentol, the Google Doc was a combined 300+ pages long. We had to separate it into two documents.
We like to think that she just lives 100 miles away and we just haven't met her yet.
When it is 7 in the morning here in Maryland, it is 7 at night in Indonesia.
She is a wonderful illustrator.

This is our Mentol HERE
Here is the final version of Lovey The Cow that Mentol made for us.
We think it looks awesome.
There will be much more Lovey The Cow coming soon.
You can download our original art from Mentol HERE.
You have permission to use it anyway you wish, except to sell or profit from it.
Show us how us use it on Instagram or TikTok with #MightyMooCows so we can find it.
Stop back for more.