
The World Knows The Milk Hall of Fame®
More awesome distribution of our press release. Thanks to all the people who have sent words of encouragement for The Milk Hall of Fame®,...
The Milk Association™ - The Future is Milk™
Building The Milk Association™, The Milk Hall of Fame®, U.S. Milk Drinking Team™ and The Mighty Moo Cows™ - A Dad & Mom's STEAM+B Blog.
Our goal is to educate, counsel, guide and curate our children to advance their knowledge of Science, Technology, Entertainment, Arts, Math & Business (STEAM+B). They are "The STEAM+B Team".
We are tracking their creation of The Milk Association™, The Milk Hall of Fame®, U.S. Milk Drinking Team,™ and Mighty Moo Cows™ (Go Cows GO!), and reporting back to you!
Just happened (fun): We were having a 14th birthday party for Hunter. A new boy who had never been to our house stopped at our fridge, pointed at it and said, "... what's The Milk Hall of Fame?" Hunter and Christian had a great time telling him about it. He said, "... Cool, if it means more milk, ice cream and cheese, I want to join!" #OwnTheFridge #MilkHallOfFame #MoreMilkPwease